N.B. All texts contained in these blogs are copyrighted, and must not be reproduced without permission.
Social Media Consumption in Politics
New media have been heralded for their potential to stir change in a number of areas, including governance, democratic processes such as electoral initiatives and political and economic activities. Interconnectivity through new technologies and media has made visible societies and exposed the complex organization of their political and social interactions. Social media serve as ideal tools for expanded outreach during political campaigns.
Explaining the Relationship Between Information Systems and Institutions
With the introduction of information technology in daily and common functions, institutional practices may have a variety of reactions depending on such variables as social organizations, cultural facts and political conditions. Some scholars have noted the correlation between structural change and the evolution of technology, going beyond the notion that incorporating technology in organizations is enough to cause structural change.
Technology Enactment
The framework suggests systemic validation of technological incorporation inasmuch as a successful configuration of technological integration with organizational development is the product of a comprehensive agency comprising both institutional action and actor's knowledge and skills, while evolving under conditions determined by policy making, cultural and behavioral dimensions.
Dialogical Deliberation: Information Technology, Parliament and Public Input
In the age of the internet and social media, parliament communication is becoming a dialogical process of connections that include deliberation, input gathering, connections with constituencies, political marketing, electoral exercise, and representative democracy. Digital democracy creates the conditions for parliaments to experience inflows of citizens' input through enhanced and multiform interactions facilitated by an array of means of communication.
Bibliographical References
For more research on issues developed in these blogs.
Asher, M., Bandeira, C. L., & Spaiser, V. (2017). Assessing the effectiveness of the e-petition procedure through Twitter conversations.
Baker, J. (1993). Statutory Interpretation and Parliamentary Intention. The Cambridge Law Journal, 52(3), 353-357.